Experimental Telepathy opens minds!
Is telepathy real?Only you can explore and discover this for yourself.Visit our Exploring Telepathy page for a starting place.
Is telepathy real?Only you can explore and discover this for yourself.Visit our Exploring Telepathy page for a starting place.
STORITELER: YOU AND ME … humanity rise humanity that was the song they were singing rise humanity there’s a story and a rhyme about time and eternity and all of you and me and we are free and we are they and they are we and all are one and all are free then the…
We Can Choose Humanity Loop Pedal goes round and round. Can you hear the music? Can you Hear the Sound? The Energy Emotionally Moving Right Through You and Me That the Music. Then Come the Beat, The Beat. Time To Be One. Time To Be One. Time Has Come The Storitler Told Me The Song…
The Storiteler is a character existing in both time and eternity. The Storiteler’s story includes those things; time and eternity. It is about the dream of a journey we all take, exploring freedom of choice in the realms of time and space. But time has cycles, beginnings and an endings, a timeless moment of eternity…
There are 4 things to understand: The Storiteler’s Story remembers there are times of change. We are in such times, and we each create our change. Our emotions, our feelings, our thoughts and our choices, these are our navigation and direction. BE AWARE OF THEM. We each have to become the way home, THE WAY…
Welcome to the Storiteler’s web place. There are many stories and many people. We are they. There was once knowledge of the Storiteler story in all conscious minds. But we forget so easily when desires and hungers invade us. The cycles of time continue, until one particular moment when we once again remember. Do you…